# Mainnet Full Node & Validator

# SECTION 0: Requirements

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


  • 2 CPUs
  • 4GB RAM
  • 200GB SSD


  • 4 CPUs
  • 8GB RAM
  • 1TB SSD

# SECTION 1: System preparation


All tasks in SECTION 1 have to be performed as root

# Add dedicated user

sudo adduser vidulum

# Install prerequisites

Update and install make, which is needed to compile vidulum:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential

# Go deployment

# Download and extract repository

GOVER=$(curl https://go.dev/VERSION?m=text)
wget https://golang.org/dl/${GOVER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf ${GOVER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz

NOTE: That will install latest version of Go

# Firewall Configuration

ufw limit ssh/tcp comment 'Rate limit for openssh server'
ufw default deny incoming
ufw default allow outgoing
ufw allow 26656/tcp comment 'Cosmos SDK/Tendermint P2P (Vidulum Validator)'
ufw enable

# systemd Service Configuration

Create a service file /lib/systemd/system/vidulum.service

nano /lib/systemd/system/vidulum.service

Paste the following text into the editor and save the file:

Description=Vidulum Validator

ExecStart=/home/vidulum/.local/bin/vidulumd start


Reload the systemd configuration and enable the service.

systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl enable vidulum.service

# SECTION 2: Build and Initiate Vidulum Node


All tasks in SECTION 2 must be performed as the vidulum user created in SECTION 1

# Add Go environmental variables

Set of variables, which should be set for user(s) with the need to build Go Applications.

Add Golang specific variables to ${HOME}/.profile

# add environmental variables for Go
if [ -f "/usr/local/go/bin/go" ] ; then
    export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
    export GOPATH=${HOME}/go
    export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
    export PATH=${PATH}:${GOROOT}/bin:${GOBIN}

Once modified and saved, reload ${HOME}/.profile to set variables in the current user session:

. ~/.profile

# Build Vidulum binaries

Before we build the binaries for a Vidulum node/validator, create a folder where the binaries will be stored. Ubuntu adds this folder to search path, when it exists, so we can easily run binaries in future when needed.

mkdir -p ${HOME}/.local/bin
. ~/.profile

Clone the Vidulum GitHub repository, build the binaries, and move it to your users local bin directory.

git clone https://github.com/vidulum/mainnet && cd mainnet && make install
mv ${HOME}/go/bin/vidulumd ${HOME}/.local/bin

# Vidulum Node Init

vidulumd init NODE_NAME --chain-id vidulum-1


Replace NODE_NAME with the name you want to assign to your validator.

In ${HOME}/.vidulum/config/config.toml find the [p2p] section, and change the following to match:

seeds = "883ec7d5af7222c206674c20c997ccc5c242b38b@ec2-3-82-120-39.compute-1.amazonaws.com:26656,[email protected]:26656"

Now it is time to download genesis.json file, which will allow the node to synchronize

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vidulum/mainnet/main/genesis.json -O ${HOME}/.vidulum/config/genesis.json

# Start node

Once the node is configured, you can start it, and begin to synchronize the blockchain database.

sudo systemctl start vidulum.service

To keep watching logs generated by Vidulum node use the command:

journalctl -u vidulum -f

Envoke watch with curl to check the status every 60 seconds if node has finished catching up and has fully synchronized the blockchain:

watch -n 60 "curl http://localhost:26657/status"

You will see JSON output where you need to locate catching_up field. When it will have value true means node is still synchronizing. When value is false means node is fully synchronized. Then you can move on to creating validator.

    "sync_info": {
      "latest_block_hash": "39B4F3361E27EEC32605DA2F554FE2C64EAB41A78B593531CC5E11EEDE9AD67C",
      "latest_app_hash": "05E9931EAF0284B4024D5393B8878146C1CFE0329183EE6084BD4EF48507FA29",
      "latest_block_height": "544241",
      "latest_block_time": "2021-11-29T20:26:22.352845323Z",
      "earliest_block_hash": "5614A5F7D398CCAC49EFB255D1F92421891B725808E31421317BDD519D35F7CA",
      "earliest_app_hash": "E3B0C44298FC1C149AFBF4C8996FB92427AE41E4649B934CA495991B7852B855",
      "earliest_block_height": "1",
      "earliest_block_time": "2021-10-23T00:00:00Z",
      "catching_up": false

# SECTION 3: Promote Full Node to Validator Role


All tasks in SECTION 3 have to be performed as the vidulum user created in SECTION 1.
ONLY continue this section if you have plans to impliment a validator node.

In order to create a validator, you must have a Vidulum wallet and at least 2 VDL that you must self delegate as the validator.

# Create Wallet

In order to create a Vidulum wallet we use binaries we compiled earlier.

vidulumd keys add WALLET_NAME --keyring-backend os

You will be asked to provide a password. You will use this to claim rewards, commission, and vote.

Output of this command will be similar to presented below

  type: local
  address: vdl1hjhglrzggqtdhsh3ag8jp0cckmva5pe976jxel
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Anriv0TNrt1cz3+pSq2UDNiJQZINNlgtknousVlcujZ7"}'
  mnemonic: ""

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

some words forming mnemonic seed will be placed here you have to write them down and keep them safe


Write or print out your mnemonic seed and keep it in a safe place if you ever need to restore your validator's wallet.

Now you have to transfer some vidulum to your validator wallet. To check the balance on your account:

vidulumd query bank balances vdl1hjhglrzggqtdhsh3ag8jp0cckmva5pe976jxel

The output will be similar to this:

- amount: "15000000000"
  denom: uvdl
  next_key: null
  total: "0"


Denomiation presented by command is in uvdl(micro-vidulum). Use this formula to convert, 1 VDL = 1,000,000 uVDL.

# Create Validator

Once you have funds in your validator wallet, promote your full node to a validator:

vidulumd tx staking create-validator \
    --commission-max-change-rate="0.05" \
    --commission-max-rate="0.3" \
    --commission-rate="0.11" \
    --amount="10000000uvdl" \
    --pubkey=$(vidulumd tendermint show-validator) \
    --website="https://your.website" \
    --details="Description of your validator." \
    --security-contact="[email protected]" \
    --moniker=NODE_NAME \
    --chain-id=vidulum-1 \
    --min-self-delegation="1" \
    --gas auto \
    --gas-adjustment=1.2 \
    --fees 200000uvdl \
    --from=WALLET_NAME \
    --keyring-backend os


The commission max rate cannot be changed once set!
The commission rate may be changed once daily.

Once that is done, wait a few moments, and you should see your node listed in Vidulum Explorer
Or Ping.Pub Vidulum Explorer